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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Outlook 2007 Tutorial

this valuable content will enhance your Outlook skills.

Andrea Kalli E-Learning Center: Courses

Outlook 2007 - What's New videos

Are you already a seasoned Outlook user and just want training that targets the new features of Outlook 2007? Maybe you want to evaluate what the new version has to offer before you decide if you want to upgrade. Look no further!

$9.95 USD NOW FREE for 22 videos / approx 2 hours

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to cook an egg

one day I will cook an egg so it turns out the way I like it.
clipped from lifehacker.com

Cook the Perfect Boiled Egg with the Power of Science

Their "Art of cooking an egg" page contains a handy little Flash application that turns variables like egg circumference, desired yolk hardness, the egg's current temperature, and your elevation, then spits out exactly how long you should boil that egg. The site is in Norwegian, but this page provides a translation (minus the Flash app)—and reader Martin offered a quick rundown of what each segment of the Flash app asks for:

1st slider: The circumference of the egg (in cm)
2nd slider: How hard you want the egg yolk to be. (Hard = Hard, Middels = Medium, Bløtt = Soft)
3rd slider: Start temprature of the egg (on the botton, its directly from the fridge. In celcius)
4th slider: How high over the sea level you are in meters. (Because water boils faster the higher you are.) moh = meters over the sea level

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Stitch Simple For the quilter

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Escape from tedious quilt fabric preparation- without sacrificing choice

Does fabric preparation annoy you? Does having to prewash and cut fabric take the fun out of quilting? Stitch Simple understands and we have the solution.
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