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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Friday, October 31, 2008

CMS Watch

clipped from www.cmswatch.com

Online Education from CMS Watch

Get smart about content technologies -- at your own pace, on your time,
with the help of leading CMS Watch analysts.

Each course is designed to be completed in a half-day, but they're each split
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of a full year, from wherever you have online access. And each course comes
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we'll return your money. Sign up today for any of the courses listed on the right and described below.

CMS Watch™ evaluates content-oriented technologies,
publishing head-to-head comparative reviews of leading solutions.
What makes us special?

  • Our critical analysis
    exposes product weaknesses as well as strengths
  • We deliver unrivaled technical depth and comprehensive project advice
  • Our research is led by international topic experts
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    Thursday, October 30, 2008

    Where to buy a Birkin Bag

    Bag, Borrow or Steal


    Creaturs Deluxe

    *Links provided here are for research purposes. Consumer due diligence regarding vendor reliability, product quality, etc is still required.

    Now this is what Second Life is for...

    "the ideas and visions for students here is endless. Economics majors can do research and learn the values of the Linden Dollar (L$) - Second Life's general source of currency. Psychology majors can meet new people and talk to them about their experiences and how it relates to Second Life. Art majors can go behind the scenes making their own buildings or putting their newest creations in a digital gallery. Business majors can follow the trends of the Second Life marketplace and marketing majors can learn how it all works."

    University purchases virtual island through grant

    Even though the world is virtual and the land is only net space, building an island on Second Life is not cheap. The University received a sizable grant from Verizon's Thinkfinity fund with a primary goal to get the University on the Second Life map.
    Beth Gordon Klingner, the assistant dean for Instructional Technology at the Pleasantville campus, is very excited to be working on Second Life. Just as her job title entails, she assists faculty and students in their goal to use technology in teaching and learning.
    The students, faculty and staff are working hard on making the best possible result but also keeping it light and fun.
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    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    Punkin Chunkin

    Where to go for Punkin Chunkin:



    Photos, videos, etc:

    Halloween: Haunted Houses

    Where to go to find haunted houses:




    Daylight Savings Time-Sources

    Where to go for more information about Daylight Savings Time:


    Dates, explanation & additional resources:


    Global Warming: More fear than fact

    clipped from www.infowars.com
    WWF Resorts To Deception In Climate Fearmongering

    Which is why we are seeing evidence of natural global cooling all over the planet - Alaskan glaciers growing for the first time in 250 years, unprecedented ice storms in Kenya, China experiencing its coldest winter in 100 years, many parts of the U.S. suffering their coldest April on record along with record snowfall, Britain suffering its coldest Easter in decades, Sydney Australia suffering its coldest summer in 50 years.

    All the evidence is screaming out that the planet has now embarked on a cooling trend to follow the natural warming trend that caused Arctic ice to shrink in the first place, just as natural global warming caused Greenland to be green thousands of years ago when it was a lush forest and when temperatures were on average 5 °C (9 °F) higher than today.

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    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Similarities to the Great Depression?

    clipped from consumerist.com

    The Great Depression Diaries

    A serialization on In The Big Money of the diary of Benjamin Roth, a lawyer for local businesses who lived through the Great Depression, there's several entries with disturbing parallels to our present economic crisis.
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    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Hints for the new iGoogle

    Three Ways to Rock the New iGoogle

    Use iGoogle as a Google Notebook Scratch Pad

    By adding the Google Notebook widget to iGoogle and maximizing it full screen, I have found it to be an awesome scratch pad for meeting notes. I can tag entries, export them later to Google Docs an then email these into GMail. Further, If I need to reference my Google Reader or Gmail, it's right there on the same page. In fact, I used it to start writing this blog post.

    Add Google Suggest with iSuggest

    I am addicted to Google Suggest. It's amazing way to discover searches that are relevant to yours. Google recenty added it to the main Google interface, but for some reason they forgot iGoogle. Add the iSuggest widget to iGoogle and minimize it and you'll enjoy the same functionality while waiting for Google engineering teams to become a bit more synchronized.

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    Consumers want Companies to support a cause

    Cause Marketing Matters to Consumers

    Social responsibility makes consumers take notice. Follow these 5 steps to create a successful cause-based marketing campaign.

    If your business or brand doesn't stand for a cause, consumers may turn to your competitors. The number of consumers who say they would switch from one brand to another if the other brand were associated with a good cause has climbed to 87 percent, a dramatic increase in recent years, according to a Cone Cause Evolution Survey.

    Even niche markets, such as the nation's college students, now show a striking preference for brands they believe to be socially responsible. According to a newly released College Explorer study from Alloy Media, nearly 95 percent of students say they are less likely to ignore an ad that promotes a brand's partnership with a cause.

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    Use technology to simplify your message

    Simplify Business Communication

    Technology allows us to be more creative and visual than ever. But using it to make things simpler is the real trick.

    In this information-overloaded age, your employees, potential clients, and investors don't have time to sift through the numbers and charts thrown at them. Just as in a grocery market or a bookstore where you just have to judge a meat sauce by its packaging, or a book by its cover, your audience needs you to help them choose you by simplifying your business, not by complicating things. 

    She recommends using a Sharpie and one sticky note per idea to keep them simple. It's easy to throw everything you know into a PowerPoint.

    "One mistake companies often make is that they try to create one communication and send it to everybody," Wood says. "But the reality is that you talk to a CEO very differently than you would talk to an employee on the factory floor."

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    Saturday, October 11, 2008

    Lifehacker Compiles Places for Political Info

    clipped from lifehacker.com

    10. Compare the candidates.

    2008 Presidential Candidate Selector gives you the skinny on the major-topic stances of every candidate, including most of the third-party contenders

    9. Go poll-crazy at FiveThirtyEight.com.

    Silver's FiveThirtyEight grabs all the polls it can find, weighs them based on methodologies and past accuracy, projects data for regions where it can't find polls, then runs thousands of simulated elections to come up with a likely outcome

    7. Follow the money.

    The graph-happy folks at Many Works have put together a ton of interactive (and usually Java-required) tools, including this earmarks visualization of per-capita earmark spending. Now you're not just mad, you're madly informed.

    6. See what the candidates said about your hot-button topic.

    In Quotes lets you type a term and see how Obama and McCain referenced it in speeches, interviews, and other places.

    2 Track fund raising and donations by candidates (and your neighbors).

    OpenSecrets.org has maps, graphs, and details
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    Are you in?

    Participate in developing a 21st Century learning system

    Mission: (In) Possible - 21st Century Learning System

    Scott McLeod asks "What would it take to get from our current system of schooling to a
    robust, province - or statewide system of 21st century learning?"

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  • What it Will Cost to Do
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