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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Monday, May 24, 2010

[Reading] 4 Ways Not to Be a Dormat

Some inspiration to stay strong when you are feeling weak.
clipped from webworkerdaily.com

4 Ways Not to Be a Doormat

You can be willing to help other people (if they’re willing to help themselves, of course), but you have to always remember to be conscious about how you spend your time. Every minute that you give to something or someone is a minute you can’t get back and is a minute that isn’t going to something or someone else, so always think, “Is this a wise investment?” If you’re giving away your time to someone who constantly takes advantage of you, is always looking for ways to nickel and dime you, or isn’t your ideal client, then you no longer have that time to give away to someone who values it, pays you what you’re worth, and is better-suited for you.

 blog it

[Reading] 4 Ways Not to Be a Dormat

Some inspiration to stay strong when you are feeling weak.
clipped from webworkerdaily.com

4 Ways Not to Be a Doormat

You can be willing to help other people (if they’re willing to help themselves, of course), but you have to always remember to be conscious about how you spend your time. Every minute that you give to something or someone is a minute you can’t get back and is a minute that isn’t going to something or someone else, so always think, “Is this a wise investment?” If you’re giving away your time to someone who constantly takes advantage of you, is always looking for ways to nickel and dime you, or isn’t your ideal client, then you no longer have that time to give away to someone who values it, pays you what you’re worth, and is better-suited for you.

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