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Wishing you a productive day,
Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Indie consultant - Overated Business

This is one of those career choices that takes a village. As an independent consultant you need a spouse with a stable full time job to provide financial stability and benefits.

The 7 Most Overrated Businesses

5. Independent Consulting. Common advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to stick with industries they know. So, for many looking to escape the corporate treadmill that means turning their professional expertise into a one-person consulting firm.

more companies are indeed relying on independent contractors and freelancers these days – but it's not as easy to pull off as many imagine
Many consultants struggle with time management problems, spending so much time scouting work that it's very difficult to earn steady income. "The difficulty many face is they go through peaks and valleys of having work," says Prof. Ceru. "When the engagement ends, they are frantically looking for work," which may take weeks or months.

A possible solution: "A successful consulting firm needs people to find the work, grind out the work and mind the work. Unless you know you can do all three yourself, you potentially expose your business to great risk."

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Video Gamers are fat

"The results of this study don’t quite showcase a development in social examination, but are a big “duh” with a side of “yeah, so?”
clipped from www.testfreaks.com

You’re All a Bunch of Fat, Depressed Gamer Bums

A recent study by the Center for Disease Control, published by the no less than the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, is perhaps the most poorly-examined case study released about video gamers
in recent years.

I’m fairly certain that the average anything in America is 35 and fat. It’s a general median age, and Americans have the highest obesity rate in the world. Perhaps the average basketball player wouldn’t fit the bill, but I bet the average accountant, average TV watcher, average grocery store clerk, or average stamp collector would come back as fat, too. Especially if you only take a look at one group of people who are previously known to fit the bill…

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Clever way to be a responisble pet owner

There are some mighty clever folks out there. Are you a dog owner? If yes, now be honest, when you walk your dog do you pick up after it? I hope you said yes. I know it is very easy to just step around the issue.

I was surfing around the blog-o-sphere and happened upon "A Chick with Sticks." She had a wonderful post reminding and urging us dog owners to be responsible. She showed us an adorable little bag for holding plastic bags for picking up after our dogs.

I hope you will check out Puppy Poopy Bag Holder.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Online To Do List

I like the versatility of this tool.
clipped from www.toodledo.com
 An easy to use, online to-do list. Get organized, stay motivated, and be more productive.

Go Anywhere

Always have your todo list at hand. You can get Toodledo on your mobile phone, in your email, on your calendar, in your RSS reader, via IM, and integrated directly into your web browser. You can even print up a special foldable booklet that will fit in your pocket.

Import Your Existing Tasks

If you already use a task manager, you won't want to type in your tasks all over again. Toodledo can import tasks from many sources, including your Palm OS PDA, Microsoft Outlook, Apple's iCal, and other online todo lists.

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