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Professional Reader

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Video Gamers are fat

"The results of this study don’t quite showcase a development in social examination, but are a big “duh” with a side of “yeah, so?”
clipped from www.testfreaks.com

You’re All a Bunch of Fat, Depressed Gamer Bums

A recent study by the Center for Disease Control, published by the no less than the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, is perhaps the most poorly-examined case study released about video gamers
in recent years.

I’m fairly certain that the average anything in America is 35 and fat. It’s a general median age, and Americans have the highest obesity rate in the world. Perhaps the average basketball player wouldn’t fit the bill, but I bet the average accountant, average TV watcher, average grocery store clerk, or average stamp collector would come back as fat, too. Especially if you only take a look at one group of people who are previously known to fit the bill…

 blog it

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