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Professional Reader

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lifehacker Compiles Places for Political Info

clipped from lifehacker.com

10. Compare the candidates.

2008 Presidential Candidate Selector gives you the skinny on the major-topic stances of every candidate, including most of the third-party contenders

9. Go poll-crazy at FiveThirtyEight.com.

Silver's FiveThirtyEight grabs all the polls it can find, weighs them based on methodologies and past accuracy, projects data for regions where it can't find polls, then runs thousands of simulated elections to come up with a likely outcome

7. Follow the money.

The graph-happy folks at Many Works have put together a ton of interactive (and usually Java-required) tools, including this earmarks visualization of per-capita earmark spending. Now you're not just mad, you're madly informed.

6. See what the candidates said about your hot-button topic.

In Quotes lets you type a term and see how Obama and McCain referenced it in speeches, interviews, and other places.

2 Track fund raising and donations by candidates (and your neighbors).

OpenSecrets.org has maps, graphs, and details
 blog it

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