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Professional Reader

Monday, October 20, 2008

Use technology to simplify your message

Simplify Business Communication

Technology allows us to be more creative and visual than ever. But using it to make things simpler is the real trick.

In this information-overloaded age, your employees, potential clients, and investors don't have time to sift through the numbers and charts thrown at them. Just as in a grocery market or a bookstore where you just have to judge a meat sauce by its packaging, or a book by its cover, your audience needs you to help them choose you by simplifying your business, not by complicating things. 

She recommends using a Sharpie and one sticky note per idea to keep them simple. It's easy to throw everything you know into a PowerPoint.

"One mistake companies often make is that they try to create one communication and send it to everybody," Wood says. "But the reality is that you talk to a CEO very differently than you would talk to an employee on the factory floor."

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