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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Saturday, September 13, 2008

American Drinking water

Ok. Let me understand this...I should not drink professionally bottled water because the plastic bottle is toxic...and now I should not drink the tap water because I could be ingesting pharmaceutical waste? hmmmm...feels like a "pick your poison" situation.
clipped from consumerist.com

Update: 41 46 Million Americans Drink Pharmaceutical Waste

investigation has revealed that another five million people, including residents of Reno, Colorado Springs, and Chicago, now sip the potentially dangerous pharmaceutical soup.

Chicago, for example, found a cholesterol medication and a nicotine derivative. Many cities found the anti-convulsant carbamazepine. Officials in one of those communities, Colorado Springs, say they detected five pharmaceuticals in all, including a tranquilizer and a hormone.

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