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Friday, November 13, 2009

Message to Virtual Assistants is confusing

This message is touting the progressiveness of the organization and industry while in the same breath using outdated format.

There are many industry leaders who consider the term "virtual assistant" outdated. If this organization were truly innovative they would have thought of an updated term.

Secondly, many people are environmentally conscience these days. Being environmentally friendly is a sign of being progressive. Why is this organization hyping it's print publication? Seems like a throwback to the old school and not very progressive.

A visit to their website informed me the organization does have an electronic version of their publication. Now their message seems confusing and unfocused.
clipped from www.pr-inside.com
Dee Middlebrooks-Bernal, Chairwoman of NAVAH, "However, we quickly discovered that that format is outdated and no longer relevant to today’s virtual assistants. Virtual assisting is no longer a business, it’s an industry. If those of us in the field don’t start treating it that way, the entire profession risks being labeled a fad and fading into irrelevance."
NAVAH is also the publisher of VA Today Magazine, the first print publication for the virtual assistant industry.
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