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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Second Life & Education

This is an opportunity to share your expertise.
clipped from www.teach42.com


Education and Technology by Steve Dembo

What’s the point of Second Life?

I had a short conversation with our district technology director yesterday and Second Life came up. I was telling him how streaming video would be projected in SL and how cool it was … He cut me off when I was trying to explain how I thought it would be interesting to some of our teachers to see what SL was like. He asked me: What is the point of using SL? Can you please provide me with some talking points to help me in the future with “what is the point of using SL”.

To be honest, I’m not certain that SL is the ideal platform for education, but I do think it’s the best we have right now and well worth exploring so we’re prepared to leverage it as well as future virtual environments. It provides a platform for live social networking, which is becoming an increasingly important skill in the business world.

So in your expert opinion, what is the point of using Second Life in education?

 blog it

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