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Professional Reader

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thinking outside the box...

or in this case taking a lot of boxes and connecting them.
clipped from www.thestandard.com

Sun creates virtual worlds for businesses, but graphics lag

It’s called Project Wonderland and it’s a prototype for a virtual environment where business teams can meet and interact, but the enviroments so far lack polish and are graphically sparse. So far, the project aims to allow team members using multiple forms of communication to collaborate through video conferencing, call-ins, and online avatars. The current demos are something like a graphically dumbed-down version of Second Life, which the team admits isn't much to look at, but the back end is a powerful Java-based engine which coordinates mixed communication into one virtual meeting place.

You can share documents, PowerPoints, and desktops as well, allowing a meeting to pretty much take any form imaginable within the virtual environment.

the Java engine which reduces the complexity of managing call-ins, video-streamers, PowerPoints, and document sharing has real potential.
 blog it

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