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Professional Reader

Friday, May 30, 2008

Advice for Outsourcing

clipped from www.forbes.com
Corporations are only beginning to understand how to bridge cultural nuances, manage time zones, provide context and effectively communicate without the benefit of face-to-face interaction. Glossing over these challenges does a disservice to anyone who wants to work with a global team.
Global collaboration is hard work. The management of a global team requires long-term dedication and the development of a unique skill-set--one that most project managers have never been taught.
The 24-hour work day is a more difficult challenge. You need to master the daily cycle: You work. They sleep. Reverse and repeat.
Theoretically, this should be more efficient than a one-time-zone workday; it should be like a relay race in which the baton is passed at the appearance of the sun on each side of the globe. Unfortunately, the baton is rarely handed off in a way that enables people to work efficiently--or get enough sleep.
It just took some experience and hard work to get it right.
 blog it

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