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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Etiquette of the Thank You

clipped from blog.looseends.net

The execution of thank you notes: questions from readers

Question: Can I have someone send out thank you notes on my behalf?

ktcosmos’ reply: Now, I am presuming the asker is a business person who intends to delegate the task of writing thank you notes to someone else. (If I am incorrect and the asker is a bride who wants to have her mom or someone else handle this, shame on you!)

I may take a beating on this, but here’s what I think. Writing thank yous is a DIY job.

If you believe you are so busy that you do not have time to write your own thank you notes, I would admonish you that you are way out of line. Thank you notes, whether in business or personal life, are intimate expressions of gratitude for kindnesses extended to you by others, who found time in THEIR busy lives. No one is too busy to be able to execute that gesture on their own.

If you are writing a thank you (or having your designée do that for you) just as a way to suck up and get ahead, that’s equally lame.

 blog it

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