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Professional Reader

Friday, November 16, 2007

Online Resource: Skype

Have you heard about Skype? Are you not sure what all the hype is about?

Skype is one of today’s most valuable communication tools. Skype is a voice over internet provider. The application download is free. In addition, to use Skype between users is free. There are millions of Skype users. Chances are you already know many Skype users.

So let us say you run a business out of your home in

Ocean City, Maryland and your client is in Ontario, Canada, as long as you both have a Skype account you can talk for free. There are no special rate packages to talk internationally like some services.

My favorite feature about Skype is the instant notification.

Suppose your client would like to know what percentage of McDonald’s profit are generated from the sale of happy meals. Back in the day, you would have had to pick up the phone, consume 20 minutes or more of your time to give a simple answer. Now, with Skype all you have to do is type your answer (40% by the way) into the chat window. Your client instantly receives an alert. When relying on email to send your response, your recipient may forget to check their email. Then, when they do check they have to sort through all the other emails received.

Skype notifications are one to one, highlighted on your desktop and available to you as soon as you need them.

Skype also offers many other features, such as whiteboards, desktop sharing and other plug ins. If you want to expand your usage of Skype paid plans are available. For example, if you want to call from Skype to a non Skype user or a landline you can purchase a plan for outbound calls. There is a separate paid plan for receiving incoming calls. This is rather a nice option because you are paying for what you will use.

Now let us be honest, technology never operates without error 100% of the time.

Skype is like every other technology where it has its moments.

Yes, I have lost calls in the middle of an exchange of vital information. Yes, on occasion reception has been less then audible. However, I find the benefits to using Skype far out way the once in awhile-typical technical glitch I would experience with any other technology I use. After all, I am running Microsoft Vista on my computer. Ok, ‘nuff said.

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