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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Customer Appreciation - A little goes a long way

I think about all the places where I am a customer. In the "everything automated" world of today, it is nice to receive a little recognition for choosing to spend my hard earned dollar at your business. If I receive a thank you later in the year from the time I made the purchase, you can bet I will be a customer who returns and refers more business your way. If you think customer appreciation is low on the task list - think again.

Customer Service Week – 5 Ways to Celebrate Your Customers Success

What can you do to show Customer Appreciation?

  • Share a FREE report. This can be a report that can help them learn, or they can offer it as a bonus to their contacts.
  • Send them a Thank You Card. A simple card that shows them they are in your thoughts and you appreciate the time they take to be your customer.
  • Send them articles that are relevant to their business. This shows your customers you care about their success and have product knowledge about their business.
  • Call them via phone; skype or instant message them. Ask them if there is anything they need; answer any questions they may have; work on building a connection and on your relationship with them. (If your database is too big to contact each customer, which by the way is not a bad problem to have, then send them a personalized email. You can do this efficiently and simply through a contact management system).
  •  blog it

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