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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Monday, December 10, 2007

Improving communication skills

Theses helpful tips encourage us to "not sweat the small stuff" and tackle a difficult communication relationship head on.
clipped from www.bnet.com

Working around Personality Clashes

Many people blame conflicts on personality clashes, but what we perceive as personality clashes may, in fact, be something quite different. Each of us has our own unique mix of attributes and beliefs that make up our personalities. If we clashed with everyone who is different from us, we would be clashing constantly. In fact, we accommodate—and even enjoy—difference, provided it does not threaten our beliefs or values. Indeed, our lives are richer and more exciting when we see the world from the perspective of others.

What is termed a personality clash is often a jarring that occurs when someone challenges a deeply-held value or belief. We view it as a threat, and we fight hard to prove that we are “right” and they are “wrong.” What we are really doing is seeking confirmation that we have no reason to change.

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