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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Monday, December 10, 2007

Consumers: vote with your dollar; Corporations be responsible!

Consumers: do not give your hard earned dollar to a company that is not ethical or socially responsible.

Corporations: do not think your customers are idiots. Be ethical and responsible. Your business will stand the test of time if you do.
clipped from www.bnet.com

Understanding Marketing Ethics

Recognize the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

In conventional marketing theory, customers are primarily influenced by product, price, availability, and customer service. However, with growing concerns about sustainability, customers are increasingly influenced by the company policies behind products and brands. They understand the social and environmental impacts of different types of production process, and the degree of social responsibility with which companies treat their workers, invest their money, or conduct their affairs. In the same way that you promote product and service information clearly and honestly, you should communicate your company’s financial, legal, ethical, environmental, and social performance responsibly.

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