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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Think before you act

If you are considering building a web site or you are in the process of updating your web site, make sure every word has meaning. Do not just throw words or content on there for sake of having words or content on there.
clipped from www.bnet.com

Following the Guiding Principles of Content Management

Justify the Publication of All Content

Too often, organizations think of content as a low-level commodity that merely needs to be stored. But content is a critical resource, and its value lies in being sought and read. There is no point in having a great technical document if nobody knows it exists. Nor is there is any point in storing that great technical document on a Web site if nobody knows the Web site exists and never visits it. To make content management work, you really need to (1) understand who needs your content, and (2) ask potential readers what content they need. And always remember that content is consumed by busy people.

 blog it

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