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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Isn't that the point of eating out?

My home cooking is nutritionally healthy. When I eat at a restaurant the high fat, high salt, etc is what makes the food delicious.

Americans may be running up the calorie count when dining out

Americans are eating out more and more: According to the National Restaurant Assn., 49% of every food dollar in the U.S. is now spent in restaurants, up from 25% in 1955.

If you figure that the average person needs 2,000 calories a day, it's sobering to learn that more than half that amount can easily be consumed in a restaurant breakfast alone. And don't forget sodium. The recommended daily limit is 2,400 milligrams a day (1,500 milligrams for those who are middle-aged, are in certain ethnic groups or have conditions such as high blood pressure). Many restaurant dishes contain more than you should have in a whole day.

They may also decide to provide meals lower in salt and saturated fat, he says, and trim calories wherever they can from items already on their menus.
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