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Professional Reader

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yet another reason advertising is yucky

Really sad there are people in this world that participate in malicious behavior.

Mapping the Malicious Web

"When you graph multiple sites, you can see their communities of content," Chenette says. While some of the content hubs that connect different communities could be legitimate--such as the servers that provide ads to many different sites--other sources of content could indicate that an attacker is serving up malicious code, he says. According to a study published by Websense, online attackers' use of legitimate sites to spread malicious software has increased 225 percent over the past year.

Attacking a network of this kind can be far more lucrative than attacking any single site. "Let's suppose that the site's security is top-notch. How can a malicious attacker get to the user?" Chenette says. "An ad network would be a fine choice."

 blog it

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