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Monday, March 22, 2010

Using Google Buzz

Trying to figure it out
clipped from buzzite.com

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Benefit from Using Google Buzz

Google Buzz allows you to send messages to all of your followers or just a specific group. When you post a public message, it will be distributed to your followers and posted to your Google profile where it can be searched, indexed and viewed by the general public. To send private messages, you need to set up Groups in Gmail. Once the groups are set up it will be similar to email marketing in that your company could use this feature to send targeted messages to specific followers. The only drawback is the ability to track who is seeing the buzz and the “Click through Rate” (CTR). However, it will still allow those targeted customers to comment on the message and leave feedback.

Google Buzz can integrate other social networking sites into your Buzz feed. All you have to do is associate your blog with your Google profile and each time you add a new blog post, it will get filtered to Buzz as a new message.
 blog it

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