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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Friday, March 5, 2010

Should you sell your crafts?

This checklist is written for entrepreneurs. It offers a good guideline for crafters too.
clipped from blogs.hbr.org

The 2-Minute Opportunity Checklist for Entrepreneurs

  • Does your business idea soothe someone's pain, discomfort, frustration, or dissatisfaction?
  • Are there lots of those people out there?
  • Do these people (or companies, or governments) have money to pay for it?
  • Will they be able to decide quickly to buy your product or service?
  • Does your idea exploit something about you that is outstanding or unique?
  • Are there important assets you have that no one else has? (money, access to customers, technology, leadership skills, execution, location, salesmanship, etc.)
  • Is there something about the idea or its implementation, that compels you to really devote yourself to it?
  • Can you start up without huge gobs of money?
  • Can you keep your fixed costs low during launch?
  • Does your idea lend itself to small incremental steps that can inexpensively generate valuable information as well as at least a little cash?
  •  blog it

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