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Professional Reader

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Improve Social Skills?

I think there is a time and a place for virtual worlds. Could this be one of them?

Autism and virtual reality

There are several “islands” specifically for people with ASDs and their families and friends. These havens are meant to be a safe environment where they can interact with others and be themselves without the real-life pressures they encounter when the go out in the real world. There are meetings, parties, and support groups scheduled just like in the real world, except the people attending them may be sitting at computers in different countries, yet attend the same party.

Brigadoon is designed for those with Asperger’s Syndrome, who are generally higher functioning than many with autism.

Autistic Liberation Front is run by a group that supports neurodiversity.

Then there’s Naughty Auties, run by a young man with Asperger’s Syndrome.

practicing social skills with SIMmersion or interacting with people in Second Life from the safety of homemay be better than no interaction at all. They could lead to improved social skills.
 blog it

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