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Professional Reader

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stop Taking Short Cuts

the best investment in your success is you.

5 Healthy Reasons to Stop Looking for Magic Pills

Well, basically looking at something – a book or a just a tip – as a complete and quick solution for your problem. Thinking that that thing will “fix you”, just like a pill from the doctor could.
Desperately looking for the “next big thing” and when disappointed with that one going looking for the next one could take up a lot of energy. And a lot of time. Perhaps even years.
There is a lot of value in a lot of products and in what a lot of people say. But if you expect them to be able to just fix your problem then of course you’ll always be disappointed. Totally unrealistic expectations will bring you down and can transform a great, helpful product into a disappointment in your eyes.
Maybe you are overcomplicating things by reading 25 books about your problem and thereby - in your mind - making your challenge into a bigger and more complicated deal than it may actually be?
 blog it

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