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Monday, July 28, 2008

Paycheck Fairness Act

clipped from www.capwiz.com
Stop the Economic Crisis for Women Workers
House Could Vote on Paycheck Fairness Act THIS Wednesday!

Women on average continue to be paid only 77 cents to the dollar paid to their male counterparts. With a record 69 million women in the workforce, wage discrimination hurts almost all of our nation's families and disadvantages women in nearly every occupational categories. In addition, wage discrimination lowers total lifetime earnings, reducing women's benefits from Social Security and pension plans and inhibiting their ability to save not only for retirement but for other lifetime goals such as buying a home and paying for a college education.

A vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act is a critical step forward in our goal to close the persistent and sizable wage gap between men and women working full-time year round, even those in the same or similar jobs.
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