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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


It is too easy online to act, feel and then think. My advice-feel it, think about it, then act.
clipped from pos-psych.com

I know what I was feeling, but what was I thinking?

Recently, Sherri Fisher, John Yeager, and I have been working with TEACH(tm), especially as we work in the education field.  This acronym stands for Thoughts - Emotions - Actions - Consequences - Here we go again!  Thoughts lead to Emotions which power Actions which cause Consequences which start either an upward or downward spiral. 
The insight of cognitive behavioral therapy that’s captured and put to work in resilience training is that by working with out thoughts about a situation, we can also change our emotions.  Changing our emotions helps change our actions, thus consequences, and makes upward spirals more likely!
 blog it

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