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Professional Reader

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Creating a continuity plan

some good ideas to add to your business' plan in case of an emergency
clipped from www.wikihow.com

How to Create a Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plans are sometimes referred to as Disaster
Recovery Plans (DRP) and the two have much in common. However a DRP
should be oriented towards recovering after a disaster whereas a
BCP shows how to continue doing business until recovery is
accomplished. Both are very important and are often combined into a
single document for convenience.

  • Make a "How-to". It should include step-by-step
    instructions on what to do, who should do it, and how. List each
    responsibility and write down the name of the person assigned to
    it. Also, do the reverse: For each person, list the
    responsibilities. That way, if you want to know "who is supposed to
    call the insurance company?" you can look up "Insurance". And if
    you want to know what Joe Doe is doing, you can look under Joe for
    that information.
  •  blog it

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