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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Modern Entrepreneur's office

clipped from www.inc.com

Escape from Cubicle Hell

From retirement-averse baby boomers to Gen Y-ers disillusioned with the corporate world, a growing number of people are starting businesses out of their homes in a wide range of industries.

The latest U.S. Census statistics on nonemployer firms -- defined to include home-based businesses and those run by one or more individuals -- show that the number of self-employed reached 20.4 million in 2005, an increase of 4.4 percent from the previous year. Additionally, home-based businesses constitute 53 percent of all small businesses in the United States, according to NASE.

Experts are predicting that economic factors will drive the growth of home-based businesses even farther in 2008. "I believe we're heading into a recessionary period," says Terri Lonier, author and founder of workingsolo.com. "Traditionally, in these times, more people turn to self-employment because traditional jobs are more difficult to come by."

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