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Professional Reader

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Defining Lexicon

Social networking serves a valuable purpose. Now let's expand...

Its about Educational Networking NOT Social Networking

The Economist debate on social networking has sparked some interesting discussion between Ewan McIntosh (the pro side) and Michael Bugeja (the con side) and uber social-networking researcher Danah Boyd has interjected her wisened thoughts into the matter.   I'd like to add my thoughts into this debate as I think that there are some things that should be said from a teacher who is USING "social" (I detest that term) educational networking.

They want their personal and "professional" lives separate as do I.  We're heading down a slippery slope of forcing students to delete their own memories when we force ourselves to use "social" networks AS educational or professional networks.
Social networks are great platforms and create spaces that cannot be duplicated, however, either Facebook and Myspace need to allow for different TYPES Of associates:
 blog it

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