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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

31 Days to becoming a better blogger

Action item list!
clipped from northxeast.com

Make the next month your best blogging month yet — one day at a time.

Day 1. Write a better ‘About’ page.
Day 2. Start using more images in your posts.
Day 3. Write a week’s worth of posts in advance.
Day 4. De-clutter your sidebar.
Day 5. Highlight your most popular posts.
Day 6. Start making friends on a social media service like Digg or StumbleUpon.
Day 7. Pitch a guest-post idea at the most popular blog in your niche.
Day 8. Craft a great resource-list.
Day 9. Offer a free service to your readers (without expecting anything in return).
Day 10. Pitch a link to one of your blog posts to three other blogs in your niche.
Day 11. Add social media links to the bottom of your posts and to your feed.
Day 12. Participate in the comments on one of your own blog posts.
Day 13. Work out an editorial calendar for your blog.
Day 14. Prune your feed subscriptions.
Day 15. Write a 10-page report or mini eBook.
Day 16. Try adding a new income stream to your blog.
Day 17. Think up 20 post ideas you can use.
 blog it

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