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Professional Reader

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Work is becomming 24/7

I am a wife, a mother and I own and run an online business. Gone are the days of clearly defined boundaries.

Are the walls between our personal and professional lives crumbling?

When I was growing up, my dad set the standard for how a business person behaved. He went to work every day, did his thing and came home. He would, on occasion, bring some work (read -- paper) home with him. I'm sure my dad made friends at the office but I didn't know or hear about them.

Today, I look at my two worlds (work and personal) and the line is awfully blurry. Sometimes I wonder if that's a good thing.

What do you think about this phenomenon? Do you think this merging of our lives has something to do with the fact that the old work day of 9-5 is also a thing of the past?

blog it

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