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Professional Reader

Friday, February 1, 2008

Social Networks: Ready to Join the Party?

Are social networks right for your company
clipped from www.inc.com

Social Networks: Ready to Join the Party?

Selling yourself on Facebook.

Beyond the simple fact that social networks offer advertisers access to tens of millions of potential customers, they present two clear opportunities for more effective campaigns. First, they promise the ability to target customers with precision. If you want to reach baseball-loving twentysomethings who live in Seattle and have a college education, you can find social network groups that fill the bill. Second, social networks encourage your customers to recommend your company to others. Let's say your company has a Facebook profile, and another user signs on as a "fan" of yours. Facebook will then alert that person's friends, informing them of the connection. VoilĂ : textbook viral marketing for free.

 blog it

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