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Friday, February 15, 2008

The power of blogging

lawyers....they think they can keep things contained...they underestimated the power of blogging in this case
clipped from www.massively.com

Lawyers representing gold farmers threaten Lum the Mad

Late last month Scott "Lum the Mad" Jennings put up a post on his well-known MMOG blog site about an ongoing legal battle. It involves former IGE (yeah, the gold farmers) CEO Brock Pierce and co-founder of the company Alan Debonneville. Lum's excellent post, which quotes heavily from the lawsuit documents unearthed by the site Virtually Blind, does little more than sum up the case in one location. Not only have we been following the case along with the VB site, but numerous others have as well.
harshly worded note has prompted responses from other MMOGbloggers, such as these posts from Ryan Shwayder and Matt Mihaly. Perhaps Pierce's team should have considered the impact before they asked Lum to take down his post about the lawsuit. This one, over here on his site. The one about the IGE vs. Hernandez suit. His post concerning Brock Pierce and Alan Debonneville. This post right here.
 blog it

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