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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Friday, February 29, 2008

"Getting Things Done"

David Allen's system
clipped from www.bnet.com

Who Is David Allen?

Stuff: Anything in your mind or environment that may require action, though you have not yet determined what the action is or clearly committed to doing it. Includes everything from errands to life goals.

RAM: The mind's short-term memory, which on an unconscious level constantly monitors commitments big and small. Borrowed from "random access memory," a component of most computers.

Open loop: Agreements with yourself, conscious or unconscious, that you aren't keeping, from picking up laundry to helping solve world hunger.

Distributed cognition: A psychological term for the process of freeing up your mind by getting things "out of your head" and into an objective, reviewable form (such as a list).

Trusted system: A combination of a physical inbox, a calendar, and a set of action lists.
The backbone of GTD, a trusted system could use a PDA, a spiral notebook, voicemails and emails to yourself,
as long as it captures all of your commitments.
 blog it

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