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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Friday, February 29, 2008

Emotions about Leadership

How true. How true. You can also replace the word "leadership" with the word "parenting."

Under the breath

I had a senior pastor that said we all tend to judge people by their actions but we want to be judged by our inentions. And, in essence, it is far easier to expect our leaders to perform the way we expect them too, but we want our leaders to give us a ton of grace and let us off the hook easily and gently.

Leadership is tough stuff. And I think leadership is in the top 5 toughest things to do. And there is no way around it. There is no real way to abdicate responsibility or to pass it off. Leadership requires attendance. Leadership requires attention. Leadership requires decisiveness. And, I guess, leadership, at times, requires cussing.

 blog it

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