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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The cunundrum

It strikes me as ironic to hear business owners say "I chose X because it was free." and in the same breath will get irate when a customer of theirs chooses a free or lower cost product/service instead of theirs.
clipped from pos-psych.com

… the bottomline got hit when #1 hit the roof!

In many organizations, employees are feeling less than perky. First days for recruits may be fun and exciting but over time, work becomes routine and boring or hectic and stressful or a combination of all. There is so much discontent and the “too tired to work, too broke to quit” thinking seems to prevail. Perceived helplessness is fueled by negative thinking.
Take for instance, the office cleaner who complains sourly that people mess the place up - hey! if the place never got messed up, maybe cleaners become redundant. The customer service personnel laments that customers are so picky and troublesome - guess what would happen if customers were angels and products and services were perfect? People make choices whether or not to wear their job roles comfortably and cheerfully, or ruefully and miserably. Some work environments are so toxic that the happy bees hum imperceptibly.
 blog it

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