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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do You Copyscape?

Catching Copycats: Protecting Your Online Content
By Jennifer Schiff
So periodically, just take a paragraph, cut and paste it into your search engine, and see if that block of text shows up, because if it does, chances are that this person did not come up with that paragraph entirely on his own initiative.
The bottom line, said Ennico: "If you have a successful Web site, people are going to try to rip you off." Another problem, he said, is that "to some extent, you can't really own ideas. Even the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were borrowed from other documents. So you have to live with the fact that if you are in the business of creating original content, if you are successful, people are going to try to copy you in one form or another. And as long as they're not trying to hold themselves out as you, and as long as they're not doing things that are going to take sales away from you, there's really nothing wrong with what they're doing."
 blog it

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