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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Social Media Manners

Divas at the BlogHer Biz 08 roundtable discuss social media manners shared by Diva Marketing Blog

Etiquette For A Social Media World

What is proper and polite in the digital world of social networking?
Be Nice. Is it really that hard?
Be open & honest.
Respect and responsibility.
Understand and learn about who you're talking to so you can have a real conversation.
Be open to sharing and responding to information and contacts in a way that is always respectful, honest, transparent.
If you wouldn't say it to someone in person, don't say it online. Be respectful and transparent.
Courtesy matters.
 blog it


Toby said...

Thanks for continuing conversation. As more people join the social world, as it was/is in the non digital world, a few manners can help us "live kindly together."

What does social media etiquette mean to you?

Lara Nieberding, The Data Digger said...

Hi Toby! The social media etiquette standard I hold myself to is that I "respond" and not "react." I am a pen and paper gal. If I find myself "reacting" I scribble my emotions out in a notebook. Somewhere in there, I find my voice for "responding."