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Professional Reader

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Keep On Creating

Yaro Starak of Entrepreneurs-Journey gives practical advice for keeping yourself motivated.

How To Remain Productive When You Feel Like Giving Up

Your mind is your greatest asset for success in business, but it can be just as strong a force of hindrance, sabotaging your efforts, destroying your work ethic and leaving you with no option but to return to the soul destroying job you promised yourself that you would never go back to.

One of the things I did and still do whenever I feel less than enthusiastic is to focus on output, rather than the external elements that bring me down. I might feel utterly crushed, but I know if I create something or take any productive action, I continue towards my goals.

The great thing about output is the power it has over your mood. Negative emotion breeds negative actions - lying in your bed or watching TV for example - or a lack of any action at all.
If you focus on creating something and just take one little forward step, the physical effort you exert effects your inner emotional state.
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