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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Merchandising Tools

clipped from www.hotelmotel.com
Online merchandising tools grow more sophisticated
This month, the Emperador's Web site is working
with TravelClick to implement a booking engine
that will determine which keywords on search
sites customers are using to find the hotel's
Web site, and then what behavior (pages visited,
length of time spent, which order the pages
are viewed) the customer engages in when they
are on the site. 

Next on the Web site merchandising agenda
will be using search engine optimization techniques
to enhance the site's findability and productivity.

Not only do these platforms allow the guest
to absorb lots of information without having
to visit numerous site pages, but they greatly
reduce the risk of data (and maybe even the
in-process reservation) being lost. For example,
if a guest makes a typo while making a reservation,
then hits the backspace key to correct, it
is entirely possible to lose all the other
information previously entered.

 blog it

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