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Friday, April 11, 2008

Internet = Social Inclusion

Stan Schroeder of Mashable encourages countries not to let big business run the show.
clipped from mashable.com

EU: Net Access is a Human Right, We’re Not Going To Take That Away

Here’s what Guy Bono has to say about the idea of shutting down internet access to anyone, for whatever reason: “The repressive measures are measures dictated by industries that have been unable to change their business models to meet the needs imposed by the information society. Switching off internet access is a powerful sanction which could have profound repercussions in a society where access to the internet is a mandatory law for social inclusion.

The above sentence is right on the money and it nicely summarized this entire mess. First, it clearly says that these measures are “dictated by industries.” This, by itself, is not good. Big business should not be able to dictate laws in any country, otherwise we’re off to 1984.

Taking net away from people - for any reason - is not an option, period.
 blog it

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