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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kyros Time

Deanna of spiritual Coaching explains Kyros time and the Law of Attraction.

Why Do Universal Requests Seem to Take So Long?

One of the perceived problems in working with the Law of Attraction is that many people become discouraged if their Universal requests are not fulfilled immediately.
we accept without question that when we place an online order, it may take a few days before the package arrives at our doorstep.
But, when it comes to a Universal order, we somehow think the rules are different.
The truth is that they really aren’t. The Universe just needs a little time to process your order, line up the energies and then ship the request.
Since we’re discussing the Universal time delay, let’s break down the difference between Kyros (Universal) time and Chronos (Physical) time.
Chronos time is chronological
Kyros time is timeless
“Doing one thing at a time, refusing to live an over-scheduled life, and making time for the important people in our lives will help us to balance the quantity [Chronos] and the quality [Kyros].
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