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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Because Preparation is the key

clipped from blog.inc.com

Don't Watch 60 Minutes

Prepare your week before it starts -- or Don't Watch 60 Minutes. Rather than watching 60 Minutes or any other television program, sit down and prepare your entire week. Write down every client you plan to see that week and the day you plan to see him or her. To the left of their names write down how much money each client is worth if you close them. Then, to the right of their names, write down how you help them. The money you can earn gives you incentive. The idea that you help them will give you confidence. By preparing the entire week before it starts, this allows you to use your subconscious mind to think, attract, and become aware of things to help you reach your goal.

 blog it

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