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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can we keep some things sacred?

Is advertising really the only way to keep Wikipedia? As a consumer, I do not want more advertising. I want more ad free places to visit. Can we invigorate the grassroots funding? Is there a company willing to fund Wikipedia w/o stamping their name/ads all over it?
clipped from www.latimes.com

Wikipedia's tin-cup approach wears thin

The nonprofit website needs to raise funds, but it resists selling ads.
By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

March 10, 2008

With about 300 million page views a day, the site by some estimates could be worth many hundreds of millions of dollars if it sold advertising space. It doesn't. Wikipedia's business plan is, basically, to hold out a tin cup whenever it runs low on funds, which is very often.

Wikipedia, the "encyclopedia anyone can edit," is stuck in a weird Internet time warp, part grass-roots labor of love, part runaway success.

How about selling advertising space like most big-time websites do? Don't go there unless you want to start a Wikipedian riot. Some members of the foundation's board of trustees and most of the site's editors and contributing writers zealously oppose advertising.
She said she didn't foresee a time when Wikipedia would go that route, though she added that she should never say never.
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