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Professional Reader

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Social Media Success

Brian Clark offers a plan for social media success.
clipped from www.copyblogger.com

Agile Content Development:
The Ready, Fire, Aim, Reload Strategy for Social Media Success

by Brian Clark

Every Company is a Media Company

While it’s true that anyone with social media skills can become a successful new media owner or producer, it’s existing small businesses that need a mind shift. Rather than starting a blog to promote your business, you should be creating new media assets that transform your business into something bigger.

Here are some questions for those pursuing a business blogging strategy:

  • How do we create a media platform that has independent value to visitors?
  • How can that platform grow our existing business model?
  • How can that platform create diverse revenue streams?
  • When advertising gives way to authoritative content, and that content tends to be found on web sites that offer independent value, the answer is clear. Successful companies of any stripe must view themselves as media companies in order to effectively market online.

     blog it

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