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Professional Reader

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help A Reporter Out

clipped from www.mpdailyfix.com

Good Karma: Peter Shankman's 'Help a Reporter'

I’ve been interested in the growth of Peter’s group for two reasons:

  • From the writer’s perspective, it offers an instant and diverse network of people ready and willing to populate all kinds of assignments. As a reporter often stuck for uncovering real-life examples of stories I was developing, I assure you it’s a bit of a gift to have a vast pool of willing individuals to tap. It definitely beats relying on family and friends (and their friends) to dramatize a story.
  • It’s a real-time example of how the connectivity of social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and blogs can be used to grow and feed an organization, with incredible speed.
  • Facebook caps group emails at 1,200 people. Once you hit that number, you can no longer email the members of your group, thereby defeating the purpose of the group itself.

    Could this kind of thing have evolved without social media and the connectivity it offers?
     blog it

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