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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Writers block?

Chris Brogan gave Bryce from A Bite of Sanity some advice on how to stay interested in blogging. I visited Bryce's blog. I have to say, Bryce is quite prolific. I wonder if he was being sincere when he asked Chris for his advice. Maybe he was just handing Chris a good topic to write about.

From my read of Bryce's blog, if he was looking for inspiration, my question would be, "Are you suffering from OIO?" (Overwhelming Information Overload) Occasionally, one has to give one's mind a rest. Let your head stop spinning for a moment. Allow yourself to get your focus back.

Secondly, I would ask, "Are your expectations for blogging too high?" If you have unrealistic goals for yourself, you could be sending your brain into writers block.

How do you stay inspired about blogging? Remember what Chris said about blogging is a relationship with your readers. Don't all relationships have an ebb and flow? It could be you have fallen out of the honeymoon phase. You could be in the "once appealing characteristics are now annoying characteristics" phase. You could be in the "we have been together so long its boring" phase. Once you identify the phase of the relationship you are in, you can decide where to pull your inspiration from. You might need to list all the things that are irritating you about blogging. A purging of your soul, if you will. You might need to make your blog interesting to you. If you are bored, your readers will be too.

I think I have "Dr. Phil'd" you long enough. These are my thoughts as an outsider looking in.
clipped from chrisbrogan.com

Keeping the Blogging Fires Burning

typewriterkeys Bryce from A Bite of Sanity asked me about how one might continue to care about blogging once the fires have dimmed a bit. I’m not sure of Bryce’s specific circumstances, but I will tell you about how I keep up such a prolific schedule of blogging and give you some tips on how to keep it moving.

Write for Your Audience

Writers are Readers

Keep a Text File of Topics

See What Mainstream Magazines Do

If It’s Because You’re Feeling Unheard

Keeping it Burning For Me

blog it

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