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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

VoIP for Web Apps

clipped from www.techcrunch.com

BroadSoft Going Up Against Ribbit with VoIP Platform for Web Apps

Mark Hendrickson

Tomorrow BroadSoft, a VoIP software provider for telecom companies that’s been around since 1998, will officially announce a platform for integrating voice into web applications. The company’s new offering, BroadSoft Xtended, will enable developers to add voice capabilities to their applications and then showcase these applications in a centralized directory called the Xtended Marketplace.

Ribbit, which late last year debuted its own platform for integrating voice into web apps; the company even went so far as to call itself “Silicon Valley’s First Phone Company.” The idea of integrating VoIP into web apps, of course, is not restricted to these two companies: Jangl, Jaxtr, and TringMe all let you add simple call buttons to your website, for example. These aren’t exactly platforms, however - for another one of these, you’d have to look at something like MyVox or BT’s CallFlow
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