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Lara Nieberding
Professional Reader

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Setting up your service online

clipped from www.chrisbrogan.com

Social Media Starter Moves for Freelancers

lancersOpportunities for entrepreneurial spirits, freelancers, and consultants are on the rise. A weaker economy (as we’re experiencing in the US right now) is one reason, but another is the flexibility such employees offer companies who might not have the resources (or want the overhead) related to taking on full time staff for certain roles. And yet, with our attention forever dividing, how can you rise above the fray and be not only seen but selected for the opportunities you seek? Here are some thoughts on the matter.

Ads, Sidebars, and Widgets
  • Kill random widgets. To simplify, tidy the hell out of your blog so that it looks clean and professional-ish (you can have fun, and be engaging, but consider your buying audience).
  • Look for useless widgets. Your “phases of the moon” graphic slows down your blog and diffuses your intent.
  • Enable comments and make it as easy as possible.
  •  blog it

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